Flutter Packages Weekly #8: flutter_animate

3 min read5 days ago

Flutter Animate: Breathe Life into Your UI with Effortless Animations”

Welcome to the eight installment of Flutter Packages Weekly! In this edition, we’re diving into the world of animations with the flutter_animate package. Animations are a powerful tool for enhancing user engagement and adding a touch of delight to your Flutter applications. flutter_animate streamlines the process of creating beautiful and expressive animations, making it easier than ever to bring your UI to life. Let’s explore why flutter_animate is a must-have package for Flutter developers and how you can leverage its capabilities to create stunning animations.

Why Use flutter_animate?

In the realm of app design, animations play a crucial role in creating a visually appealing and interactive user experience. flutter_animate elevates this experience by offering:

  • Simplified Animation API: A concise and intuitive API that allows you to create complex animations with just a few lines of code.
  • Chainable Effects: Easily combine multiple animation effects (fades, slides, scales, etc.) into fluid sequences.
  • Customizable Timing: Fine-tune the duration, delay, and easing curves of your animations to achieve the perfect look and feel.
  • Pre-Built Effects: A wide range of pre-built animation effects that you can use as-is or customize to your liking.
  • Performance Optimization: flutter_animate is designed with performance in mind, ensuring smooth animations even in complex UIs.

Key Features & How to Use Them

flutter_animate comes packed with features to create stunning animations:

  1. .animate() Extension: This extension on widgets allows you to chain animation effects directly onto the widget itself.
  2. Animate: A builder widget that lets you create custom animations with fine-grained control.
  3. Effects: A rich library of pre-built animation effects, including fade, slide, scale, and more.
  4. Easing Curves: A variety of easing curves to control the speed and flow of your animations.
  5. Staggered Animations: Create animations where elements appear or move in sequence for added visual interest.

Installation Guide

Get started with flutter_animate by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file:

flutter_animate: ^latest

Example: Animating a Greeting Message

Text('Hello, Flutter!')
.fadeIn(duration: 500.ms) // Fade in over 500 milliseconds
.slide(duration: 500.ms, begin: Offset(0, -1)) // Slide up from the top
.then() // Chain another animation
.shake(duration: 500.ms) // Shake effect

Example: Creating a Custom Animated Container

effects: [FadeEffect(), ScaleEffect()], // Combine fade and scale
child: Container(
width: 200,
height: 200,
color: Colors.blue,
child: Center(child: Text('Animate Me!')),


  • In the first example, a text widget that says “Hello, Flutter!” is created.
  • Using .animate() a chain of animation effects are added to it.
  • The text will fade in over 500 milliseconds, slide up from the top over 500 milliseconds, and then shake for 500 milliseconds.

Example: Sequencing with ThenEffect

.fadeIn(duration: 600.ms)
.then(delay: 200.ms) // baseline=800ms

This example will create the following animation sequence:

  1. The text “Hello” will fade in over 600 milliseconds.
  2. There will be a 200-millisecond pause.
  3. The text will slide into view from the left side of the screen (default slide behavior).


Animations are a key ingredient in creating engaging and delightful user experiences in your Flutter apps. flutter_animate makes it remarkably easy to add expressive animations to your UI, from simple fades and slides to complex custom sequences. With its intuitive API and rich feature set, flutter_animate empowers you to unleash your creativity and transform your static UIs into dynamic and captivating experiences.

Stay tuned for more exciting package explorations in our Flutter Packages Weekly series!

